Foil for Snappy is CLOSING DOWN at the end of November 2022.

The amount of recycling coming into the scheme over the last two years has become overwhelming. Collecting and processing the recycling has taken up 2-3 days per week for Karen and it’s been affecting her health and family life.
Last year we collected and processed nearly 7 tonnes of recycling which raised over £3000 for The Snappy Trust - it's fantastic but adding up the efforts of Karen and her immediate helpers, it came in at around 1500 hours of work! This is not sustainable as a fundraising activity. They are in reality providing an
environmental service for free.
In order to collect the aluminium foil, drink cans and household cables recycling we have to have lots of permits including a scrap metal dealers licence which expires in early December 2022. This licence only lasts for 3 years and
has to be paid for. After some long discussions, we have decided not to renew it, we feel that ten years is enough.
Karen was determined after all our hard work that we could not allow foil to just go back to being dumped in landfill waste so she contacted City of York Council Waste Services in February and wrote to all 47 York councillors in April to
explain the situation and ask if they would consider including foil in household kerbside collections. This proposal was finally approved at Council Executive on 5th October and the roll out started on 17th October. We didn’t want to
make an announcement until we knew where the foil could go instead.
So what happens now…
All the main car park collection points will be closed down and removed at the end of November.
If you have an indoor community collection point you have two choices. You can close down the collection and recycle the bin cardboard bin or you can continue collecting cans, foil and cables and make arrangements to donate
them to St Nicks Environment Centre.
Alternatively, L. Clancey & Sons at Murton (where we take everything) have kindly agreed to keep an account open for us so you can still take donations of any scrap metal (including foil, cans and cables) to them directly and ask
them to donate the money to The Snappy Trust. They cannot weigh in anything less than 1kg but this might be an option if you collect a lot or if you have storage space.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email Karen at
A huge thank you to everyone for your support over the years with the recycling collection. And remembering how it all started ten years ago, don’t forget to ‘Eat the pie, Save the foil’ this Christmas.
