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We have a strong commitment to care and invite you to read our working policies (last updated 2022)

We are very proud of our reputation across York and believe it stems from being responsible and dedicated and holding a strong commitment to care. You will see that in the way we work and in the policies we use every day. 


For your convenience, we have added our policies below for you to read. If you would like to discuss any of these in more detail, please call, email or pop into the office - we're always happy to help!


Complaints & Grievance Procedure

Complaints and Grievance Procedure


The emphasis in this Complaints Procedure is on informality, with the object of solving problems quickly, simply and fairly. It is hoped that the great majority of issues can be settled amicably at the First Stage, and that complaints will only exceptionally reach the Second Stage.

The Snappy Trust’s Service Manager will respond promptly to written complaints and will keep to an agreed timetable for pursuing a complaint.

Constructive criticism, made through scheme evaluations or in discussion with staff, volunteers, children/young people and parents/carers, is always welcome as help towards raising service levels.


1. First Stage (Informal Complaint)


1.1 The parent/carer, staff member, volunteer, child/young person or member of the public should initially make the complaint to the Service Manager (unless the complaint regards them, in this circumstance you would contact the relevant trustee). 

1.2 The object of this First Stage is to resolve problems quickly and simply with the minimum of formality. The Service manager (or trustee) has discretion as to how the complaint is investigated and determined. The Service Manager will keep a record of each complainant, the nature of the complaint and how it was resolved If the complaint has been made in writing, the Service Manager will respond in writing within two weeks of receipt.


2 Second Stage (Formal Complaint)


2.1 If the matter cannot be resolved satisfactorily by the Service Manager, the Second Stage is handled through the Evaluation Panel. This panel exists to read and hear all reports and evaluations forms from group leaders, volunteers, parents, carers and young people.  All members of the panel are from the The Snappy Trust Management Committee. When reports and evaluations are received they are collated and reported back at each AGM.

2.2 Where the complaint may be handled through The Evaluation Panel, the parent/carer, staff member, volunteer, child/young person or member of the public may make a formal complaint, in writing, to the Evaluation Panel. They are also entitled to arrange a face-to-face meeting with the Evaluation Panel, this can be arranged via the Service Manager. Only in exceptional circumstances will the Evaluation Panel consider any complaint that has not been through the original stage.


2.3 If the Evaluation Panel comes to the conclusion that the complaint has already been fairly settled at an earlier stage, or that the complaint is trivial, or wholly lacking in merit or substance, they may dismiss the complaint, and advise the complainant of the reasons for the decision. The Evaluation Panel will respond to a letters of complaint within ten working days, with as full a response as possible.

2.3.1 If the Evaluation Panel comes to the conclusion that there is substance in the complaint, they will seek to resolve the complaint in the appropriate manner. The Evaluation Panel will then submit a report documenting all material facts and their conclusion on how the matter is to be resolved. The report and final decision should be completed within twenty working days of the original written complaint.


2.4 A parent/carer, staff member, volunteer, child/young person or member of the public who has exhausted the above procedure but remains unsatisfied with the handling or outcome of a complaint may write to Ofsted.



Phone: 0300 123 4666

Ofsted Complaints Procedure: 



Piccadilly Gate 

Store Street


M1 2WD

COSHH Assessment Procedure

COSHH Assessment Procedure


This procedure follows The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1999 (COSHH)


Any substances/product which staff may come into contact with or use as part of their employment must undergo and assessment by the manager.


Dos and Don’ts

  • Check your work environment upon entry to ensure no potential hazardous substances have been left by other organisations. 

  • List all hazardous substances that are used in the work place. 

  • Consider replacing a hazardous substance with a less or non-hazardous one.

  • Never decant them from their original container into other containers for storage.

  • Always read the COSHH assessment and follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the label before use

  • Avoid ingestion, inhalation and skin contact of all substances

  • Always wear the appropriate recommendation personal protective equipment as specified in the COSHH assessment e.g. gloves, aprons etc.

  • Never mix substances as this could give rise to hazardous by-products (e.g., bleach will give off chlorine gas if mixed with an acidic cleaner such as Harpic).

  • No potential hazardous products should be used if children, young people, or vulnerable adults are in the vicinity. 


To ensure safety to the children, young people and vulnerable adults who access The Snappy Trust, all COSHH Assessed products must be kept in a safe, lockable cabinet. Please refer to COSHH risk assessment.

Disciplinary Procedure
Disciplinary Procedure


The Snappy Trust’s Disciplinary Procedure is designed to ensure that all staff and volunteers are aware and understand their rights and responsibilities relating to discipline. The Snappy Trust aims to maintain high standards of conduct and performance, to encourage improvements where appropriate and to ensure that cases of alleged misconduct, unacceptable performance or other acts or omissions that may warrant disciplinary action are dealt with consistently and fairly within a reasonable time scale.


All Management Committee Trustees and Service Manager are responsible for identifying promptly any issues in conduct or performance, discussing the matter with the individual member of staff, and assisting him/her to improve. Minor matters will normally be dealt with informally.


No formal disciplinary action will be taken unless there is sufficient evidence to warrant such action and until the case has been carefully investigated, each case will be considered on its own merits.


Informal Procedures


In many circumstances it will not be appropriate to proceed immediately to formal disciplinary procedures. Minor cases of misconduct may best be dealt with by informal advice, coaching and support rather than through the formal disciplinary procedure. The Project Manager or Service Manager should discuss problems with the individual with the objective of encouraging and helping them to improve, the individual must be made aware of what needs to be done, how conduct will be reviewed and over what period. Staff should also be made aware of what action may be taken if they fail to improve their conduct. 

Informal warnings are not part of the formal disciplinary procedure, and the member of staff should be informed of this. 


Individuals have a responsibility to perform their role to a satisfactory level and will be given reasonable help, training, and encouragement to do so. 


An individual will not normally be dismissed because of failure to perform unless warnings and opportunity to improve have been given. However, where an individual commits a single error due to negligence and the actual or potential consequences of the error are, or could be extremely serious, it may be appropriate to proceed to formal disciplinary action and depending on the nature of the allegation may lead to dismissal.


Formal Procedures


If an individual’s conduct or performance does not meet acceptable standards after attempts to resolve minor matters informally, or is seen to be a serious situation, the formal procedure should be followed at the appropriate stage.


Before disciplinary action can be taken the Service Manager should make themselves fully aware of the facts. A preliminary investigation may be carried out depending on the manner of seriousness, in all but exceptional circumstances, individuals will be informed of any investigation of which they are subject to. 


Depending on the seriousness and content of the complaint or grievance there may be cause for suspension during the investigation period.


Stage 1 - First Written Warning


After considering all the appropriate evidence and severity of the complaint a written warning may be given to an individual. The First Written Warning will give details of the complaint, the improvement required and the timescale. It will warn that further   disciplinary action will be considered if there is no satisfactory improvement. The Written Warning will be placed in the individual’s personal file but will be removed and disregarded for disciplinary purposes after a period of 12 months, subject to satisfactory conduct and performance within that period.


Stage 2 - Final Written Warning


If there is still a failure to improve and conduct or performance remains unsatisfactory, or if the misconduct is sufficiently serious to warrant only one written warning but not to justify dismissal, a Final Written Warning will normally be given to the individual. Where appropriate, such a warning may be given by the Service Manager.  


 A Final Written Warning will give details of the complaint, will warn that dismissal is likely to result if there is insufficient improvement and will advise of the right to appeal. A copy of this Final Written Warning will be placed on the individual’s personal file. Final Written Warnings will be removed from the personal file and disregarded for disciplinary purposes after a period of 24 months, subject to satisfactory conduct and performance within that period.


Stage 3 - Dismissal 


If conduct or performance is still unsatisfactory and the member of staff continues to fail to reach the standards required following a Final Written Warning, dismissal is likely to result. Only the Evaluation Panel, consisting of Management Committee members can take the decision to dismiss an individual from The Snappy Trust under this procedure. 


Except in cases of gross misconduct, dismissal will normally be with notice. The individual will be provided with written reasons for dismissal, the date on which employment will terminate and details of the right of appeal. 


At any point during a Formal Warning the individual in question has the right to appeal his/her case. An appeal hearing will normally be convened within 15 working days of receipt of notice of appeal by The Snappy Trust’s Evaluation Panel. The individual in question has the right to choose a companion to enter the appeal. The appellant must provide a written statement of the grounds of appeal and any supporting   documentation at least seven days before the hearing. 


The Evaluation Panel will then listen to the appeal and review all the documentation, a written conclusion will then be completed within five working days and will be final. 


 All complaints and grievances will be kept confidential and under no circumstances should be discussed with anyone outside of those immediately involved unless advised otherwise.

Disciplinary Procedure


The Snappy Trust’s Disciplinary Procedure is designed to ensure that all staff and volunteers are aware and understand their rights and responsibilities relating to discipline. The Snappy Trust aims to maintain high standards of conduct and performance, to encourage improvements where appropriate and to ensure that cases of alleged misconduct, unacceptable performance or other acts or omissions that may warrant disciplinary action are dealt with consistently and fairly within a reasonable time scale.


All Management Committee Trustees and Service Manager are responsible for identifying promptly any issues in conduct or performance, discussing the matter with the individual member of staff, and assisting him/her to improve. Minor matters will normally be dealt with informally.


No formal disciplinary action will be taken unless there is sufficient evidence to warrant such action and until the case has been carefully investigated, each case will be considered on its own merits.


Informal Procedures


In many circumstances it will not be appropriate to proceed immediately to formal disciplinary procedures. Minor cases of misconduct may best be dealt with by informal advice, coaching and support rather than through the formal disciplinary procedure. The Project Manager or Service Manager should discuss problems with the individual with the objective of encouraging and helping them to improve, the individual must be made aware of what needs to be done, how conduct will be reviewed and over what period. Staff should also be made aware of what action may be taken if they fail to improve their conduct. 

Informal warnings are not part of the formal disciplinary procedure, and the member of staff should be informed of this. 


Individuals have a responsibility to perform their role to a satisfactory level and will be given reasonable help, training, and encouragement to do so. 


An individual will not normally be dismissed because of failure to perform unless warnings and opportunity to improve have been given. However, where an individual commits a single error due to negligence and the actual or potential consequences of the error are, or could be extremely serious, it may be appropriate to proceed to formal disciplinary action and depending on the nature of the allegation may lead to dismissal.


Formal Procedures


If an individual’s conduct or performance does not meet acceptable standards after attempts to resolve minor matters informally, or is seen to be a serious situation, the formal procedure should be followed at the appropriate stage.


Before disciplinary action can be taken the Service Manager should make themselves fully aware of the facts. A preliminary investigation may be carried out depending on the manner of seriousness, in all but exceptional circumstances, individuals will be informed of any investigation of which they are subject to. 


Depending on the seriousness and content of the complaint or grievance there may be cause for suspension during the investigation period.


Stage 1 - First Written Warning


After considering all the appropriate evidence and severity of the complaint a written warning may be given to an individual. The First Written Warning will give details of the complaint, the improvement required and the timescale. It will warn that further   disciplinary action will be considered if there is no satisfactory improvement. The Written Warning will be placed in the individual’s personal file but will be removed and disregarded for disciplinary purposes after a period of 12 months, subject to satisfactory conduct and performance within that period.


Stage 2 - Final Written Warning


If there is still a failure to improve and conduct or performance remains unsatisfactory, or if the misconduct is sufficiently serious to warrant only one written warning but not to justify dismissal, a Final Written Warning will normally be given to the individual. Where appropriate, such a warning may be given by the Service Manager.  


 A Final Written Warning will give details of the complaint, will warn that dismissal is likely to result if there is insufficient improvement and will advise of the right to appeal. A copy of this Final Written Warning will be placed on the individual’s personal file. Final Written Warnings will be removed from the personal file and disregarded for disciplinary purposes after a period of 24 months, subject to satisfactory conduct and performance within that period.


Stage 3 - Dismissal 


If conduct or performance is still unsatisfactory and the member of staff continues to fail to reach the standards required following a Final Written Warning, dismissal is likely to result. Only the Evaluation Panel, consisting of Management Committee members can take the decision to dismiss an individual from The Snappy Trust under this procedure. 


Except in cases of gross misconduct, dismissal will normally be with notice. The individual will be provided with written reasons for dismissal, the date on which employment will terminate and details of the right of appeal. 


At any point during a Formal Warning the individual in question has the right to appeal his/her case. An appeal hearing will normally be convened within 15 working days of receipt of notice of appeal by The Snappy Trust’s Evaluation Panel. The individual in question has the right to choose a companion to enter the appeal. The appellant must provide a written statement of the grounds of appeal and any supporting   documentation at least seven days before the hearing. 


The Evaluation Panel will then listen to the appeal and review all the documentation, a written conclusion will then be completed within five working days and will be final. 


 All complaints and grievances will be kept confidential and under no circumstances should be discussed with anyone outside of those immediately involved unless advised otherwise.

Equality and Diversity Policy 


The Snappy Trust is committed to ensuring that it fulfils its obligations to operate fairly, justly and in accordance with the laws outlined below. No employee, volunteer, child, or young person shall be discriminated against on grounds of:


  • age

  • disability

  • gender reassignment

  • marriage or civil partnership

  • pregnancy and maternity

  • race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin)

  • religion or belief

  • sex

  • sexual orientation


The Snappy Trust extends the concept of equal opportunity to include discrimination on grounds of religious or political beliefs or sexual orientation.


This policy is regularly monitored to ensure that the objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised in the light of legislative or organizational changes.

There are a number of Acts of Parliament that deal with discrimination. The         following conveys an understanding of these laws and our obligations under this legislation:

  • Disability Discrimination Act 1995

  • Humans Rights Act 1998

  • Sex Discrimination Act 1975

  • Race Relations Act 1976

  • Equal Pay Act 1970 & 1983

  • Age Discrimination Act 2006

  • Children Act 2004

  • Equality Act 2010


 Disability Discrimination Act 1995

The employment sections of the Disability Discrimination Act came into effect on 2nd December 1996. This Act operates in a similar way to the Race Relations Act and Sex Discrimination Act, but also places a duty on an employer to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to premises or working practices to allow a disabled person to be employed.

The definition of disability is wide and includes physical disabilities, sensory       disabilities, learning difficulties, mental health problems as well as progressive   conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis.


Human Rights Act 1998


The Human Rights Act was incorporated into UK law on 1st October 2000 and is intended to implement the European Convention on Human Rights in the UK. The latter outlines several issues, including rights to freedom of thought, conscience & religion, the right to respect for private and family life and in particular, ’The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms.... shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth, or other status.’

In terms of recruitment, it may outlaw discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, religious belief or possibly family circumstances in addition to the types of discrimination discussed above. 


Sex Discrimination Act 1975


The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (SDA) makes it unlawful to discriminate on grounds of sex or marital status in recruitment, promotion, and training.

  • Direct sex discrimination occurs when a person of one sex is treated less favourably on grounds of sex than a person of the other sex would have been treated in the same circumstances.

  •  Indirect sex discrimination can occur where a requirement or condition is applied equally to men and women, but the proportion of one sex that can satisfy the condition is much smaller than the proportion of the other sex. Unless it can be proven that the condition is essential for the job, indirect discrimination may have taken place. It has also been established that discrimination against part time workers may constitute indirect discrimination against woman because nationally, and in most organisations, the majority of part time workers are women.

  • The third type of discrimination covered by the Act is victimization. This occurs when an individual is discriminated against because they have exercised the rights under the Act. 


Race Relations Act 1975


The Race Relations Act 1976 (RRA) makes it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of race, colour, nationality or ethnic or national origin. This Act covers recruitment, promotion, and training. The Act covers direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, and victimization. Examples of indirect discrimination would include recruiting from sources, which exclude areas of high settlement of minority ethnic groups or insisting on British qualifications. Word of mouth recruitment in an organization where people from ethnic minority communities are under-represented would also constitute indirect discrimination.


Equal Pay Acts 1970 &1983


The Equal Pay Act (1970) came into force originally at the end of 1975 and its purpose was to eliminate discrimination in pay between men and women. It was amended in 1983 to include work of equal value and most claims are now under this part of the Act. The Act allows and individual to claim pay equal to that received by members of the opposite sex on the grounds that they are doing:

  • Like work

  • Work related as equivalent under a job evaluation scheme.

  • Work of Equal Value - in terms of demands made under such headings as effort, skill and decision making

Claims can be pursued through the Employment Tribunal system. 


Age Discrimination Act 2006


The Age Discrimination Act 2004 makes it unlawful to discriminate on the basis of age in a number of areas of public activity, including work, accommodation, education, access to goods, facilities, services and premises, requests for information and the administration of Commonwealth laws and programs.

The Age Discrimination Act helps to promote positive attitudes about the contributions that both younger and older people make to society. The Act also allows benefits and other assistance to be given to people of a certain age in recognition of their individual circumstances.


Children’s Act 2004


The Children’s Act 2004 provides the legal basis for how social services and other     agencies deal with issues relating to children. These guidelines have been laid down so that all individuals who are involved in the looking after children, be it in the home, the workplace, school or other locale are aware of how children should be looked after in the eyes of the law.

The Children’s Act 2004 was designed with guiding principles in mind for the care and support of children. These are: 

  • To allow children to be healthy

  • Allowing children to remain safe in their environments

  • Helping children to enjoy life

  • Assist children in their quest to succeed

  • Help make a contribution – a positive contribution – to the lives of children

  • Help achieve economic stability for our children’s futures


This act was brought into being in order for the government in conjunction with social and health service bodies to help work towards these common goals.

Several key areas of the Children’s Act 2004 which are – again – in the throes of   reform are the levels of Inter-Agency co-operation when it comes to matters relating to the well being of children. This particular element of the Children’s Act ensures that any agency that is aware of the maltreatment of a child – or the misconduct of a child’s legal guardian – should make their findings known to other agencies that might have a hand in the protection of a child who would normally go unmonitored. The Children’s Act 2004 also deals with Children’s Trusts; bodies that have been set up independently of Health and Social Services and other government agencies as a means of introducing co-operation not only between these agencies but between teachers, parents, guardians, and children alike who would normally be dismissive of intervention from outside sources.

Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society.

It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat someone.


equalty and diverst
Fire Evacuation Plan

Fire evacuation plan.


  • When a fire is first discovered raise the alarm by breaking one of the fire alarms that are situated around the building (see plan of building).

  • Service Manager/ Senior Staff are to collect the children’s registers and sign-in sheet while staff and volunteers take the children to the closest fire exit.

  • Instruct any visitors to evacuate and assist team in locating the nearest exit.

  • Close doors to limit the potential spread of smoke and fire.

  • Make your way to the evacuation point- Car Park- Assembly Point C- where the Service manager/ Senior Staff member will call out the registers.

  • Remain outside the building until the building is cleared for re-entry.

  • Do not restrict or impede the evacuation.

  • Report fire alarm deficiencies (e.g., trouble hearing the alarm) to facilities personnel for repair.

  • Never assume that an alarm is a “false alarm.”

  • Please refer to the building map to familiarise yourself with fire exits and extinguisher

  • ​

Guidelines For Trips Out

Guidelines for trips out


Staff and volunteers are ambassadors for The Snappy Trust and are expected to always behave in a professional manner.  Anyone seen to be acting on an unprofessional level will be given a verbal warning that may lead to a disciplinary. 


All staff and volunteers should refer to all the appropriate risk assessment before attending activities and events out in the community. No one should leave The Snappy Trust building without the project manager/senior workers agreeing to the outing.


All staff at all times must wear their staffing top/jumper and name badge when out in the community, this is so you are easily identified by the public and the children/young people. Volunteers are also expected to wear the appropriate top to show they are volunteers from The Snappy Trust. 


Before leaving for a trip a register should be completed of staff, volunteers, and   children/young people. A risk assessment should be in place for the outing and blank risk assessment sheets should be taken on all trips so modifications can made on a day-to-day basis. 


Up to date profiles for all children/young people attending the outing should be with a designated staff member, along with a basic first aid kit, medication and a first aider to hand (staff or volunteer).


Staff are recommended to keep phones on their person at all times when on a trip and should have The Snappy Trust office number available (07710 282269)


Children/young people must have a 1:1 ratio with staff and volunteers unless otherwise stated in their individual profiles. 


When out on trips please remember to always be safety conscious, especially nearby:




In shops/cafes     


General Public

Guidelines For Working Parents

Guidelines for working parents


The Snappy Trust Management Committee appreciate how difficult it is to provide childcare for children / young people of staff members.


However, it has been agreed for health and safety, confidentially and office        management that no children/young people are to be in the office during working hours.


For staff members on scheme, we feel it is good practice to have an integration     policy in operation. Therefore, all children of staff members who wish to attend on scheme will have to be registered and booked in with the same procedure as all other The Snappy Trust members. This will ensure that staff are not overwhelmed with extra children. They will therefore become the group leader’s responsibility.

Health and Safety Guidelines


 The Snappy Trust is responsible for the health and safety of its employees, the children, young people and young adults who attend the schemes, members of the public who become involved in our activities and it volunteers.


In accordance with Heath and Safety Regulations, The Snappy Trust should:

  • Take any reasonable steps to prevent risks to all its users and helpers by keeping the premises safe.

  • Ensure that any equipment is not dangerous and that the manufacturer’s           instructions for use are followed.

  • Record any accidents in the Accident and Incident book.

  • Follow fire precautions.  Show you where the emergency exits, fire points and extinguishers are. Carry out a fire drill to practice emergency procedure.

  • Provide a first aid box and a first aider or someone who is to be responsible in the event of an accident.

  • Tell you where the first aid box is and who the first aider is.

Keep harmful substances such as medication and cleaning fluids in a secure, locked place.


It is important that we all work together to make the scheme safe for all.


Volunteers can help by:

  • Covering any cuts on their hands and other exposed areas with waterproof plasters to prevent cross infection.  Plasters will be available on schemes.

  • Completing a medical consent form so that we can make sure that you get treatment immediately if you have an accident.  It also gives us someone to contact in this event.

  • Reporting any accidents or incidents that happen either to yourself or the child, young person or young adult you are with, no matter how small or trivial it seems.  You should report them either to you group leader and the first aider or nurse.

  • Clearing up any spillages and any toys on the floor which might get tripped over or slipped on.

  • Reporting any broken or dangerous equipment to The Snappy Trust staff.

  • Supervising play and activities carefully and never leaving a child or young person alone without an adult. You should be given breaks during the day, which will be arranged by your group leader.  If you need to leave the child or young person at other times, please ask first.

  • Attending the training session on lifting and handling.  Please ask if you have any doubts about lifting a child or young person or how to ensure that a wheelchair or buggy is being used safely.  It is safe and straightforward when you know how.

  • Handing in any medication you are taking so that it can be kept in a secure place during scheme time.

  • Encouraging good hygiene in the children and young people so that they flush toilets and wash their hands before meals and after using the toilet.  Please set a good example yourself.


Ask for help if you are unsure about anything.


Please do not worry about this. No one expects you to know everything and it is much safer to ask than trying to cope alone. The Snappy Trust Staff are here to help you.

Health and safty
Internet Use Policy

Internet use policy

At The Snappy Trust we encourage responsible, supervised internet use for children and young people. Used correctly, the internet is an empowering source of information and a platform for new ideas and communities. We believe that our children and young people’s best interests lie in being able to learn and develop their internet-use skills in an environment where they are properly supervised and able to communicate with a staff member or volunteer at any time during their use of an internet-enabled device. This means that each child or young person using an internet-enabled device will be accompanied by an adult at times during scheme. This does not apply to Senior Snappy members aged 18 or over whilst using their own devices.

All internet-enabled devices used at The Snappy Trust on Saturday, Easter and Summer schemes must be The Snappy Trust owned; children and young people on these schemes must not use their own devices from home to connect to the internet whilst they are on The Snappy Trust schemes. 

For Senior Snappy, those attending who are under 18 or over may not use their own devices. Those who are 18 or over may do so, provided that they do not view any of the material described as “inappropriate or harmful” below. 

Children and young people at The Snappy Trust are forbidden to use any website which allows messaging to occur between The Snappy Trust children/young people and anyone else (including all forms of instant messenger/social media). Those who are 18 or over and attending Senior may do so whilst using their own devices.

Inappropriate and/or harmful material

Though the internet contains much that is useful, the uncontrolled nature of the internet means that it also is host to material that is wholly inappropriate for viewing at The Snappy Trust. 

The Snappy Trust will use parental controls available on both internet-enabled devices and third-party websites in order to block inappropriate and/or harmful material from being viewed by children and young people at The Snappy Trust.

Inappropriate and/or harmful material includes but is not limited to:

Violent imagery (either fictitious or real) and/or descriptions of violent acts/situations.

Pornography of all kinds.

Extremist websites, videos, and other materials.

Material with references to drug and alcohol abuse.

Offensive content (words and/or images).

Children and young people at The Snappy Trust and social media.

As stated in our social media policy, children, and young people (under the age of 18) are forbidden from accessing social media sites on any device whilst attending The Snappy Trust.

Left Child/Young Person Procedure

Left child/young person procedure


In the event of a child not having been picked up by parents/carers at the end of a day, group leaders will stay with the child/young person until arrangements have been made.


The following procedure is to be followed:


Please inform project manager who will;


  • Contact the parents/carers on their home or mobile phone numbers.

  • If there is no answer contact the emergency contact (contact numbers available in individual profiles).

  • In the event that no contact with the parents can be made, try to make contact with the child/young person’s social worker (name available in profile).

  • In the unlikely event that their social worker is unavailable please contact the Duty Team at Social Services on 01904 613161.

Manual Handling Guidelines

Manual Handling Guidelines

Staff and Volunteers


Manual Handling is constantly put into practise whilst working or volunteering at The Snappy Trust whether it is the movement/lifting of an object or a person.  


Good handling technique for lifting objects


· Think before lifting /handling. Plan the lift, where will the load be placed? Will help be needed? Is the environment safe and clear from obstructions?

· Adopt a stable position. The feet should be apart with one leg slightly forward to maintain balance. Be prepared to move feet during the lift to maintain stability. Avoid unsuitable footwear.

· Get a good hold. Where possible the load should be hugged as close as possible to your body. 

· Start in a good posture. Starting the lift with a slight bending of the back, hips and knees is preferable to full flexing (squatting and stooping). Keep the load close to the body for as long as possible while lifting.  

· Avoid twisting the back or leaning sideways. Shoulders should be kept level and facing in the same direction as the hips. Turning by moving the feet is better than twisting and lifting at the same time.

· Keep head up when handling. Look ahead, not down at the load once it has been securely held.

· Move smoothly. The load should not be jerked or snatched as this can make it harder to keep control.

· Don’t lift or handle more than can be easily managed. There is a difference between what people can lift and what they can safely lift. If in doubt seek help.

· Put down then adjust. if precise positioning of the load is necessary, put it down first, then slide it into desired position.


Lifting and moving children and young people.


No staff or volunteers are to lift or move a child/young person without being fully trained, read and signed all appropriate risk assessments and read each child's/young person’s profile. Manual handling training is compulsory for staff and volunteers should be regularly updated. Any lifting of a child/young person must be completed on a 2:1 basis. Volunteers can perform manual handling if fully trained but must be supported by a member of staff.

Missing Child/young person 



To prevent an incident where a child/young person becomes missing, the project manager will always keep a register to determine who is in the building. 


Any trips out must also have a register and a minimum of a 1:1 support must be available for each child and young person. 

(Please read the risk assessments ‘visiting an activity or event outside The Snappy Trust’ and ‘working within The Snappy Trust building’)


Anyone visiting The Snappy Trust must wear a visitors’ badge and be accompanied by a staff member at all times.


Before the start of every scheme staff should asses the building and outside area to be sure everything is safe and secure. All gates and doors should be locked unless agreed by project manager.

Only the project manager/senior worker should allow people in and out of the building.


If a child/ young person does go missing, you are to follow these guidelines:


· Don’t panic! Stay calm and ensure that the other children/young people are not alarmed by the situation.


· Group leaders must inform the project manager immediately and the service manger will then be contacted.


· Ensure that all staff and volunteers are informed.


· Establish where and when the child was last seen and where they might have gone by asking friends and or siblings and all staff.


· Thoroughly search whole premises inside and out.


· The service manager will contact parents/carers, social worker and police.

Missing Child
Petty Cash Policy

Petty Cash Policy


The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that all employees are aware of when and how petty cash can be used throughout Snappy and full compliance is adhered.


Petty Cash is held by, Saturday Scheme 

                          Senior Snappy

                          Easter Scheme

                          Summer Scheme


 Petty Cash must be put in a locked cash box and locked in a draw or safe overnight.


Petty Cash tins are to be used for, Collecting scheme fees

                          Scheme expenses

                          Volunteer expenses


Any cash or cheques received through a scheme must be documented on a petty cash sheet, receipts must be issued for each cash transaction. 



 Petty Cash transactions must be documented on a Petty Cash Sheet, all expenditure must be supported by valid receipts.


Petty Cash sheets are to be completed by the Scheme Senior Worker, once completed the Petty Cash Sheet and any money/cheques to be banked are to be passed to the Service Manager who will bank any cash/cheques before the information is inputted on the financial data base.  


The Petty Cash tins should not hold any more than £50. 

Cheques are to be banked every week.


The Senior Worker of the scheme has responsibility of the Petty Cash Tin and must authorise all scheme expenses if the expenses exceed £50 authorisation must first come from the Service Manager.

Prevent Duty Policy

Prevent Duty Policy

From 1st July 2015, all schools, registered early years childcare providers and registered later years childcare providers are subject to a duty under section 26 of the Counterterrorism and Security Act 2015. This duty stipulates that education providers (amongst other specified authorities), in the exercise of their functions, need to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This is commonly known as the Prevent duty. All education providers have a vital role to play in protecting children and young people from the risks of extremism and radicalisation.

There are a number of behaviours which may indicate a child / young person is at risk of being radicalised or exposed to extremist views which could include becoming distant or showing loss of interest in friends and activities or possession of materials or symbols associated with an extremist cause. All staff are expected to be vigilant in protecting children and young people from the threat of radicalisation and refer any concerns to the designated safeguarding lead. Staff will receive appropriate training to ensure they have the knowledge and confidence to identify those children and young people at risk, challenge extremist ideas and know where and how to refer concerns.


To help practitioners working with children and vulnerable adults identify individuals who may be at risk from radicalization, the College of Policing has produced the Channel General Awareness e-learning course. All staff and volunteers at The Snappy Trust must complete the Channel General Awareness E-learning and present their certificate of completion to the Service Manager before being allowed to work on any The Snappy Trust scheme.



The Snappy Trust understands that there is no single way of identifying an individual who is likely to be susceptible to terrorist ideology. As with other safeguarding risks, staff should monitor changes in behaviour which may indicate the need for help or protection. Any changes must be documented as soon as practicable and reported to the Service manager, who will inform the nominated Prevent Lead at City of York Council. The lead will then use their professional judgement and plan a proportionate response which will be thoroughly documented. Where appropriate a referral can be made to the local Channel Panel in line with current practice. 


The Prevent Lead within City of York Council is: Jane Mowat, Head of Community Safety 01904 555742, 07984496352 or email


If you feel that there is threat to life for the individual or others, you must report the matter to the police on 999. Police Channel Officers are DC Carolyn Hardman & DC Julie Whitehouse. They can be contacted by dialling 101 and following the instructions or by email on:


As in other areas of safeguarding children, the prevent duty is about protecting children and reporting concerns.

The Ofsted document ‘Inspecting Safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings’ published in August 2015 as part of the common inspection framework states: Schools and childcare providers should have a clear approach to implementing the Prevent duty and keeping children safe from the dangers of radicalisation and extremism. This includes making sure children understand how to keep themselves safe.


Promoting British Values

All The Snappy Trust staff and volunteers need to be aware of children expressing extremist views – defined by government as ‘vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. 

Promoting “British values” is a new EYFS requirement for schools and childcare providers. 

However, it is important to recognise that the four values are not unique to Britain as they are universal aspirations for equality in many nations and will already be promoted in daily practice in out of school clubs.

Settings registered on the Early Years register such as The Snappy Trust are required to demonstrate how they are promoting British values, which can be identified within the personal, social, and emotional development and understanding of the world areas of learning and 

development. Examples of activities which promote the four British values could include:


Democracy (PSED: self-confidence, Self-awareness): knowing everyone has a voice and should be listened too and valued. Enabling children to talk about and share their ideas and feelings. Staff consultation with children about their choices of activities and menus. Promote independence, sharing and turn taking.


Rule of law (PSED: managing feelings and behaviour): Teaching children from right and wrong and consequences, including learning about the police and justice system. Involve children in creating rules for codes of behaviour together.

Individual liberty (PSED: self-confidence and self-awareness, UW: People and communities): Giving children a positive sense of themselves and staff encouraging confidence and offer a wide range of experiences with freedom to choose and take risks. 


Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs (PSED: managing feelings and behaviour; Making relationships; UW: people in the communities): provide an ethos of equality and inclusion and engage in the local and wider community. Talk about similarities and differences and respect different faiths and beliefs. Staff should promote diversity and challenge stereotypes by offering activities and resources that reflect diversity and challenge gender, cultural and racial stereotyping. 

Restraining Policy

Restraining Policy


Restraining a child/young person is not a recommended technique in Snappy and it is expected that staff are to use all other behaviour techniques to try to defuse a situation. In some instances however a child/young person may be causing themselves or others harm to the point that restraint may be necessary. 


No volunteers or untrained staff are permitted to use any form of restraint. Any untrained staff who are involved in a situation that requires restraint must ask for assistance from two trained staff members. The untrained staff member must then walk away from the situation and continue to work with the other children/young people, this may consist of moving the children/young people out of the room where the restraint is taking place. This is to prevent upset to both the child/young person involved and the children/ young people in the surrounding environment. 

If you are in a situation where it is not possible for staff to safely remove the other children/young people it may be necessary for the child/young person being restrained to be removed from the environment.

Staff must work to defuse the situation and calm the child/young person, remembering to implement the strategies shown in their training. If the situation cannot be calmed and defused then management must be informed who will then decide if parents/carers are called to collect the child/young person. 


No staff member should try to perform a restraint technique on a 1:1 basis, all forms of restraining should be completed by two fully trained staff members.


Staff must always assess the situation before using any form of restraint and both staff must agree on how to handle the situation. 


Any incidents that have required any form of restraint must be recorded in the Restraints Record and on an Incident and Accident form. Any witnesses must sign to show that the information recorded is accurate, and Senior Staff/ Project manager must be informed if they do not already know.

After any incident that requires any form of restraint, the project manager/senior workers must hold a meeting with staff and create a support plan for the individual child/young person. This must then be read and signed by staff to ensure that all measurements and precautions are taken to keep the child/young person, the staff involved and anyone else who may be in the room safe. 


Staff must read and sign the relevant risk assessments regarding Restraining before attempting to implement the technique.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy


The Snappy Trust seeks to maximise the personal development and provide good quality play and recreational opportunities for children and young people by maintaining a high level of quality care which complies with the Children's Act 1989 & 2004.


Child Protection and safety are very important issues to consider during The Snappy Trust’s schemes. Any complaints of suspected or actual child abuse, or of children being put at risk, must be taken seriously and acted upon immediately.  


The Snappy Trust provides a safe and secure environment for the children/young people who attend schemes. Staff and volunteers alike often develop positive relationships with the children and young people in their care, which may result in the child/young person disclosing personal information that could include forms of abuse.


The following guidelines and procedures are in place to keep everyone safe and must be followed carefully:


Minimise scope for abuse / protect yourself:


  • Make safety a priority for the children/young people in your care and for yourself, ensure you have read all appropriate risk assessments and have understood the policies and procedures that are in place.

  • Make sure your behaviour complies with the ‘Staff and volunteer code of conduct’ (please read policy) 

  • Good practice is necessary to create an environment free form bullying, shouting, racism or sexism (please read appropriate policies)

  • Do not put yourself in a vulnerable position.  Always work in pairs and never be alone with a child (please read the risk assessment Working within The Snappy Trust building).

  • Do not be afraid to challenge / voice concerns about inappropriate behaviour and unethical conduct by colleagues and children/young people



  • If you identify or suspect abuse, or this is reported to you, you must immediately contact the Service Manager. In emergency, if the Service Manager cannot be     contacted within a short time then contact the nominated Trustee by the phone. 

  • The service manager will try to identify with you as many details as possible and record them on a relevant form.  It is important to account as many details as possible, so take note of exactly what has happened/been said and of the date and time.

After reporting an incident you should continue to keep an accurate record of observations and of anything that has been said by the child or others in connection with the suspected abuse.  The service manager will help you.

  • The extent of suspected suffering or risk of suffering must be clearly conveyed to the service manager, who would then approach social services duty team.

  • Under certain circumstances Ofsted will also be informed.

  • If you are unable to talk to the service manager due to concerns regarding them then please inform the designated trustee straight away.



  • Strict confidentiality must be maintained at all times.

  • Issues must not be discussed with anybody other than the service manager or the designated trustee and those directly concerned.

  • DO NOT confront parents or carers about your suspicions or concerns.

It is not our responsibility to investigate suspected child abuse.


What happens if a member of staff is accused?


  • The member of staff will be suspended from scheme while the complaint is being investigated. 

  • Where appropriate, the service manager will contact Social Services.


From 1st July 2015, all schools, registered early years childcare providers and registered later years childcare providers are subject to a duty under section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015. This duty stipulates that education providers (amongst other specified authorities), in the exercise of their functions, need to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This is commonly known as the Prevent duty. Please read the Prevent Duty policy document in this pack for further details.Some definitions of Abuse



Physical Abuse


Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child.  Physical harm may also be caused when apparent or carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberate causes ill health to a child whom they are looking after.



Emotional Abuse


Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development.  It may involve conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may involve causing children frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. On a lesser scale this may involve the abuse of a young person’s trust by letting them down, expecting too much or promising too much.



Sexual Abuse


Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in   sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening.  The         activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative or non-penetrative acts.  They may include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.





Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs. It may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter or clothing, failing to protect a child form physical harm or danger, or the failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs.


Economic/Financial Abuse


Economic abuse involves behaviours that interfere with an individual’s ability to acquire, use, and maintain economic resources such as money, transportation and utilities. It can be controlling or coercive. It can make the individual economically dependent on the abuser, thereby limiting their ability to escape and access safety.

Safeguardng child pro
Safeguarding Young People & Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding Young People and          Vulnerable Adults



This policy works in conjunction with The Snappy Trust’s Child Protection Policy and other relevant policies including Health and Safety guidelines and Equal Opportunities.


The Snappy Trust recognises that all children, young people, and adults have a right to protection from abuse and take its responsibility seriously to protect and safeguard the welfare of all in our care.


The Snappy Trust’s staff and volunteers will:


  • Respond swiftly and appropriately to all suspicions or allegations of abuse, and provide parents/carers/advocates and children, young people and adults with the opportunity to voice their concerns.

  • Have a system for dealing with concerns about possible abuse and support those who may have been abused.

  • Maintain good links with the appropriate social services and Ofsted.


Every individual within The Snappy Trust has a responsibility to inform the Designated Safeguarding Person in respect of child protection or concerns relating to the safeguarding of the children, young people, or adults within The Snappy Trust.


All staff and volunteers must fully acknowledge and appreciate that they have a   professional responsibility to respond and report any concern that this will involve following The Snappy Trust’s Child Protection Policy and Procedure.

Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs Policy

Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs



The Snappy Trust strongly prohibits the use or possession of alcohol and illegal drugs on our premises at anytime. If staff or volunteers are found to have broken the rules in respect of this policy, it will be treated as a very serious disciplinary matter. 


All Staff and volunteers will be made aware of the provisions of this policy during their induction, including the importance of them setting a positive example to the children/young people. 


Children and young people are not permitted to bring to The Snappy Trust any form of cigarettes, alcohol, or illegal drugs. All children and young people will be made aware of the rules during their settling in period. Any contravention of the provisions of this policy will be dealt with under the Behaviour Management policy and parents/carers will be informed immediately. 



Smoking is not permitted anywhere on The Snappy Trust premises. This rule applies equally to staff, volunteers, children/ young people, parents/carers or any other visitors.


Staff and volunteers are permitted one five minute cigarette break every three hours. Staff and volunteers must lock away any cigarettes, tobacco, lighters etc they possess (either in the office or the lockers in the staff room) before the scheme starts. No one is permitted to carry cigarettes or anything relating to cigarettes on their person when working with the children/young people. The cigarette break must firstly be approved by the acting manager on scheme. If it is safe and appropriate for you to leave the building you will then be able to discreetly collect your belongings and be let out of the front door. You are not permitted to smoke on the premises so must ensure that you have walked out of the car park and around the corner so you are not visible to any children/young people. 


Please ensure when leaving the premises you sign out.


On return you must immediately lock away your cigarettes and belongings to ensure the safety of the children/young people.  



Staff, volunteers, or children/young people who arrive at The Snappy Trust clearly under the influence of illegal drugs, will be asked to leave immediately, the relevant authorities will be contacted, and disciplinary procedures implemented.

If a child/young person is found in possession of illegal drugs on the premises, their parent/carer will be informed immediately. If staff are found in possession of drugs serious disciplinary action will follow.  


 If a member of staff has good reason to suspect that a parent/carer is under the influence of illegal drugs when they drop off or collect their child/young person, they have a duty to inform the Project Manager who is the designated Child Protection Officer unless otherwise stated. 


In such circumstances the manager/child protection officer will then be responsible for deciding upon the appropriate course of action, ensuring that the safety and protection of the child remains paramount at all times. 


Staff will make all possible efforts to ensure that children/young people are not allowed to travel in a vehicle driven by someone who is clearly under the influence of illegal drugs.


In cases where staff or volunteers are taking prescribed drugs (including paracetamol, ibuprofen etc) the acting manager must be informed that the drugs are on the premises and they must be immediately locked away (either in the office or a locker in the staff room) before the children/ young people arrive on scheme. If the prescribed drugs you are taking may affect your performance, you must notify the manager as soon as possible. 


Where an illegal act is suspected to have taken place, the police will be called.



Staff, volunteers, or children/young people who arrive at The Snappy Trust clearly under the influence of alcohol, will be asked to leave immediately, the relevant authorities will be contacted, and disciplinary procedures will follow.

If a child/young person is found in possession of alcohol on the premises, their parent/carer will be informed immediately. Staff, volunteers and visitors are not to bring alcohol on to the premises.


If a member of staff has good reason to suspect that a parent/carer is under the influence of alcohol when they drop off or collect their child/young person, they have a duty to inform the Project Manager who is the designated Child Protection Officer unless otherwise stated. 


In such circumstances the manager/child protection officer will then be responsible for deciding upon the appropriate course of action, ensuring that the safety and protection of the child remains paramount at all times.


Staff will make all possible efforts to ensure that children/young people are not allowed to travel in a vehicle driven by someone who is clearly under the influence of alcohol.


Risk assessments are to be put in place when organising a trip into the community when a high public presence is expected to be under the influence of alcohol (e.g., race day, world cup etc).


Where an illegal act is suspected to have taken place, the police will be called.

Social Media Policy

Social Media Policy


The widespread availability and use of social media applications has given The Snappy Trust opportunities to engage and communicate with members, families, and funders in new and exciting ways. 


The Snappy Trust also recognises that many staff and volunteers enjoy networking with friends and family via social media. 


However, The Snappy Trust also has a duty to maintain the confidentiality of children and parents attending The Snappy Trust, as well as ensuring that our good reputation is upheld. Staff and volunteers must remember that they are ambassadors for The Snappy Trust both within and outside of working hours and are expected to conduct themselves accordingly when using social media sites. 


All conduct on social media by The Snappy Trust Staff and Volunteers must comply with The Snappy Trust’s existing policies, including, but not limited to; Staff and Volunteer Code of Conduct, Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy. Breaches of those polices by Staff and Volunteers relating to use of social media will be addressed using the procedures outlined in those policies.

This policy covers (but is not limited to) social media platforms such as: 





Personal blogs and websites 

Comments posted on third party blogs or websites

Online forums


The Snappy Trust Social Media Accounts

The Snappy Trust maintains a number of social media accounts and pages in order to provide regular updates and information to staff, volunteers, families, members, funders, and other interested parties. These can take the form of accounts and pages for viewing by the general public, such as The Snappy Trust’s Facebook page and Twitter account, or closed groups such as the Senior Snappy Facebook page (for use by members of Senior Snappy and monitored by Senior members of Staff) and the Staff and Volunteer page.
These pages are closed only to protect the confidentiality of the users, and such pages should never be used to post confidential material. 

When using The Snappy Trust social media accounts, Staff and Volunteers must:

Take care to use simple, clear language.

Communicate with a friendly, professional tone.

Avoid remarks that could in any way be taken as personal comment or insult, direct or indirect, of any kind.

Refrain from copying messages or material in part or in whole from a closed group.

When in doubt, do not post.

Staff and Volunteer use of social media sites in a personal capacity

When using social media sites in a personal capacity, staff and volunteers must be aware that nothing that they post can be truly understood to be private. Please do not comment about the children, young people, families, staff, and volunteers at The Snappy Trust.

Though The Snappy Trust respects the right for Staff and Volunteers to have a private life and express their own opinions, it is an unfortunate reality that controversial, aggressively expressed or otherwise potentially offensive content posted by Staff and Volunteers is liable to be linked with The Snappy Trust and cause damage to our reputation, which could in turn make us less effective in helping the children, young people and families who rely on us.

Therefore we strongly suggest that you take this into consideration before posting on social media sites, and when in doubt, do not post.


Social Media/Online Friends/Friend requests

Staff and Volunteers must not accept social media/online friend requests from children or Senior Snappy members of any age who attend schemes, and must never be social media/online friends with child/young person under the age of 18 who attends a scheme. If they are social media/online friends with a child at The Snappy Trust, the friendship must be disclosed to the service manager and the social media/online friendship ceased immediately, or the Staff member/ volunteer must leave The Snappy Trust with immediate effect. Failure to comply with this will be dealt with as a child protection issue by the Service Manager without hesitation.

If a staff member or volunteer is already online friends with a Senior Snappy member over the age of 18 when they take up their post with us, they must disclose this relationship to the Service Manager, who will use their own discretion to decide what action to take. If the Staff member/Volunteer remains social media/online friends with the Senior Snappy member, they must not use the social media/online friendship to discuss The Snappy Trust, or anyone related to The Snappy Trust in any capacity whatsoever.

Children and young people at The Snappy Trust and social media.

Children and young people attending The Snappy Trust are forbidden from accessing social media sites on any device whilst at The Snappy Trust.

Volunteer ode of cnduc

Staff and Volunteer

Code of Conduct


The Staff Code of Conduct sets out the key principles of employment with The Snappy Trust (Special Needs Activities and Play Provision for York).


Equal Opportunities

The Snappy Trust is committed to ensuring that its policies and practises afford equality of opportunity to all sections of the community, all staff must comply with this policy.


Hours of Work 

Staff working hours may vary due to the nature of the job role, any time that you have worked as a fully trained staff member should be written down on a time sheet and signed by yourself and your manager. Time sheets must be handed in no later than the 15th of each month. Time sheets run from the 17th to the 16th of each month (e.g., 17th May - 16th June).


Staff should not carry out any private business or personal activities such as personal shopping trips during their working hours.



Some information about the children/young people, staff or volunteers or aspects of The Snappy Trust’s work may be private and should not be disclosed to anyone else either within or outside of the organisation.


Health and Safety

Staff and Volunteers are expected to comply with all current health and safety legislation and should familiarise themselves with the policies and guidelines which relate to working in The Snappy Trust.


The Snappy Trust Property.

Staff and volunteers must be aware of what equipment is at The Snappy Trust and should take reasonable care to maintain it, this may include computers, kitchen appliances and toys. Staff may become liable for any loss or damage if an item of property if clearly it is clearly to do with negligence. Equipment, furnishings, or supplies may not be removed from The Snappy Trust without permission from the Project Manager.


Petty Cash 

Each scheme holds its own petty cash, only Senior staff or management are permitted to access the money. Staff or volunteers maybe issued money to either pay for an activity or equipment during a scheme, staff and management must sign the money out together on a cash advance slip. 


 On return the money must be handed directly to the Senior staff or management and a receipt/s should be issued documenting any transactions. 


Personal belongings

The Snappy Trust has responsibility for staff and volunteers personal belongings, lockers are provided. Staff and volunteers should take care to ensure that only essential items which will be needed during the working day are brought to work.


Dress Code

Staff and volunteers are expected to wear the appropriate t-shirt that is issued by The Snappy Trust. This allows staff, volunteers, children/young people, visitors and the community to recognise your roles and responsibilities when in the work place. For everyone's safety please follow these guidelines:

  • Long hair should be tied up

  • No perfume or strong smelling deodorants should be worn

  • No jewellery (other than 1 band ring) should be worn, this includes bulky belts, necklaces, earrings etc. 

  • Practical footwear should be worn at all times

  • Finger nails should be kept trim and tidy due to food hygiene. No fake nails should be worn at The Snappy Trust.



Effective communication between staff and volunteers is essential to all aspects of The Snappy Trust’s services. Staff and volunteers have a responsibility to read all appropriate message systems when arriving at their workplace. Personal information about a child/young person or other staff or volunteers should be recorded in the relevant profiles. Management will then decide if this information needs to be distributed between staff and volunteers.



The Snappy Trust offers a range of training courses relevant to the working environment. Manual Handling and First Aid are compulsory courses that staff must attend, all training courses are open to staff and volunteers.


Criminal Convictions

All staff and volunteers are to complete a CRB before working at The Snappy Trust, if a staff or volunteer is charged and/or convicted of an offence they must inform their Project Manager who shall then deal with the matter effectively.


Private telephone calls

Staff are often asked to keep their mobile phones on them, especially if they are assisting a group of children/young people to access activities and events in the community. Staff and volunteers should limit the use of their mobiles to essential calls or text. 


On return the money must be handed directly to the Senior staff or management and a receipt/s should be issued documenting any transactions. 


Personal belongings

The Snappy Trust has responsibility for staff and volunteers’ personal belongings, lockers are provided. Staff and volunteers should take care to ensure that only essential items which will be needed during the working day are brought to work.


Dress Code

Staff and volunteers are expected to wear the appropriate t-shirt that is issued by The Snappy Trust. This allows staff, volunteers, children/young people, visitors and the community to recognise your roles and responsibilities when in the workplace. For everyone's safety please follow these guidelines:

  • Long hair should be tied up 

  • No perfume or strong-smelling deodorants should be worn

  • No jewellery (other than 1 band ring) should be worn, this includes bulky belts, necklaces, earrings etc. 

  • Practical footwear should be worn at all times

  • Fingernails should be kept trim and tidy due to food hygiene. No fake nails should be worn at The Snappy Trust.



Effective communication between staff and volunteers is essential to all aspects of The Snappy Trust’s services. Staff and volunteers have a responsibility to read all appropriate message systems when arriving at their workplace. Personal information about a child/young person or other staff or volunteers should be recorded in the relevant profiles. Management will then decide if this information needs to be distributed between staff and volunteers.



The Snappy Trust offers a range of training courses relevant to the working environment. Manual Handling and First Aid are compulsory courses that staff must attend, all training courses are open to staff and volunteers.


Criminal Convictions

All staff and volunteers are to complete a CRB before working at The Snappy Trust, if a staff or volunteer is charged and/or convicted of an offence they must inform their Project Manager who shall then deal with the matter effectively.


Private telephone calls

Staff are often asked to keep their mobile phones on them, especially if they are assisting a group of children/young people to access activities and events in the community. Staff and volunteers should limit the use of their mobiles to essential calls or text. 

Staffing & Voluntee Ratios

Staffing and Volunteer Ratios 


Whilst in the safety of the snappy building staffing and volunteer ratios can be one staff member to five children, providing there is a minimum of one volunteer within that group. This will often vary however depending on the individual needs of each child/young person.


When out on a trip children/young people should be on a 1:1 with staff and volunteers unless otherwise stated. Staffing and volunteer levels will vary depending on the group of children/young people who are attending the trip. There must be however a minimum of two staff members for each group.

Management must be consulted before leaving for a trip (see trips out procedure for more information).


If staffing levels are too low management reserves the right to ask a volunteer to become staff for the day (volunteers preferably should have experience in working with the children/young people and be manual handling trained). 

However, any volunteer asked to do so who is not considered bank staff is within their rights to refuse such request and remain a volunteer.

Time Out Policy

Time Out Policy


The Snappy Trust staff (only) are permitted to use the Time Out strategy when considered appropriate as a tool to support working with difficult behaviour displayed by the children and young people in our care.


Before using the Time Out technique be aware of the individuals needs and behaviour and assess whether it is a suitable way of working with that child/young person.


A Time Out is to be used to help children/young people to calm down away from the rest of the group, it also gives them a chance to reflect on their behaviour. Sometimes children/ young people can be energetic or physical to the point where they are unable to stop. This can result in a child/young person being unaware of their actions, which can lead to injury to themselves or others.


The first intention is to calm down the individual and make them aware of their actions, which in turn may allow them to take more responsibility for their actions and become more independent as a result.


Where possible a child/young person should be given a warning that if their behaviour does not change they will have to have a Time Out. This will on occasions allow the child/young person to reflect on their actions and calm themselves.


Depending on the individual and the situation a Time Out may involve leaving the room or could be carried out on the spot. Time Out should only be used for short periods of and will NEVER exceed 10 minutes at any one time.


One member of staff must be present at all times during the Time Out. A minimum of one other staff member and one volunteer must be in the room and able to see the people involved in the time out, but should not be part of the time out unless instructed.


No restraint should be used unless stated in the individuals profile and is agreed by management and parents/carers.


Staff must read the relevant risk assessment regarding Time Outs before attempting to implement the technique.


Volunteer Policy


'The Snappy Trust seeks to maximise personal development and provide good quality play and recreational opportunities for the children and young people with special needs in York'



The Snappy Trust strives to maintain a high level of care to the Children, Young people and their families who access our schemes and activities. As The Snappy Trust is a non-profit organisation we rely on the support and dedication of volunteers to maintain a 1:1 ratio for the children and young people during schemes, to work alongside the local community to complete fundraising events and to inevitably help The Snappy Trust keep their costs as low as possible to allow everyone to access the schemes and projects offered.        


Recruitment and selection:


Any individual interested in becoming a volunteer is to be given The Snappy Trust’s Volunteer Application Pack, consisting of an application form, health and safety guidelines and essential information sheet. If they then wish to proceed with the application, they will be asked to complete a Volunteer Application form that will include details of two referees that would be happy to offer a character reference.


Applicants should be aged 16 or over. Students working to achieve their Duke of Edinburgh Award or Work Placement may volunteer at the age of 15, these            individuals will receive extra support from the Volunteer Coordinator and time limits may apply.  


The Snappy Trust works with vulnerable children and adults, to maintain a safe and secure environment all potential staff and volunteers must undertake an enhanced DBS check with no exceptions. Each applicant will need to provide a minimum of three forms of identification to complete the DBS check.


Once an applicant is successful they will be asked to read through and complete a Volunteer’s Agreement and a suitability declaration a medical form. All personal information will then be kept confidential unless otherwise stated. 


 Induction and Training:


New volunteers will work alongside Core Staff (this includes the service manager, project manager, administrative assistants and group leaders) to complete an Induction Pack, on average new volunteers are encouraged to complete their induction within six to eight weeks. Whilst completing the induction you will be expected the read through all Policies and Procedures as well as any risk assessments and support plans that are currently in use. 


Policies, Procedures and Risk Assessments are regularly renewed and added, we ask that all Staff and Volunteers regularly update themselves with all relevant information.


The Snappy Trust accesses a variety of training that is available to all staff and volunteers, volunteers are encouraged to take part in training suited to them as it not only enhances an individual’s knowledge but can also be shared within the team. 


The most valued training you can achieve is through your own experiences at The Snappy Trust and we encourage volunteers to become involved and part of the group as well as learn about individual’s wants and needs.


Staff and Volunteers often have regular meetings for each scheme, it is not         mandatory for Volunteers to attend however participation is encouraged as it brings fresh ideas to the group and relevant information is often discussed regarding the schemes and the children and young people who attend. 


Equal Opportunities and Diversity 


The Snappy Trust is committed to diversity in all areas of its work. We are committed to   developing and maintaining an organisation which welcomes people of all ages, cultures, and abilities. We encourage and value the diversity that differing ideas, abilities and backgrounds bring. Please refer to The Snappy Trust’s Equal Opportunities Policy.




At The Snappy Trust we feel that it is important that people should not be discouraged from volunteering because of costs. Please do not be out of pocket - if you have to buy something for the purpose of a scheme, ensure that a receipt is obtained and claim the cost back from the Senior Worker or Service Manager.


Volunteers who work for five hours or more within a day are entitled to a standard lunch allowance of £3.00. During Term Time schemes, expenses should be claimed each day in person from your Senior Worker. For Holiday projects that are held over a matter of weeks, volunteers will be asked to complete a Volunteer Expenses form which should be submitted to the Service Manager. On the last day of each week expenses will be distributed to volunteers.


Supervision and Support


Throughout their time at The Snappy Trust, volunteers will be supported by Core Staff. 

Whilst working on schemes or projects, volunteers will ALWAYS be working with at least one member of paid staff. Volunteers should NEVER be alone with any child or young people.


General advice, guidance and support should be provided by the staff in each group. Staff are responsible for the initial planning of activities and the day to day running of the group and therefore should take reasonability for guiding volunteers. This may take on many forms throughout the day, including:

  • Passing on relevant information about the children and young people,            especially particular behaviours.

  • Sharing the planning for the day

  • Advice about general procedures during the day

  • Asking volunteers to carry out particular tasks - such as spending time with an individual child or young person, helping to tidy up, assisting staff etc.


In addition to this support there will be regular staff and volunteer meeting held (please refer to ‘Induction and Training’ on page 2). 


If you have any particular issues or concerns please seek advice and support from your Project or Service manager.




The Snappy Trust holds Employers Liability Insurance, which covers theft and damage of Staff and Volunteers possessions whilst on The Snappy Trust schemes (possessions should be stored in designated areas). Our insurance also covers any injury to staff and volunteers which happens whilst working on schemes.


Health and Safety


Volunteers should support staff in helping provide a safe and secure environment for the children and young people in our care. Generally volunteers can help by using their common sense and initiative, try to keep rooms tidy always set a good example for the children and young people by keeping clean and tidy.


Complaints, Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures


Occasionally you will find that through differences or clashes in personality you may have problems on schemes. These issues should be addressed as soon as      possible, if you feel unable to talk to the individual/s or it is a child, young person or the organisation you have concerns about then please discuss this with your Volunteer Coordinator. Should the concern not be addressed adequately, please see the Service Manager. 


Please see Grievance and Complaints Policy and Disciplinary Procedure.


All complaints and grievances should be kept confidential and are not to be          discussed by anyone other than those who are immediately involved.




The Snappy Trust works with vulnerable children and adults, maintaining the highest level of client confidentiality is essential - please see Client Confidentiality and Privacy Policy   


If at any time you are concerned about any individual (child, young person, staff or volunteer) please DO NOT discuss it with anyone other than your Volunteer Coordinator or Service Manager.  The information will then be assessed or passed on to the appropriate person. Please refer to Core Staff information sheet that can be found in the Staff and Volunteer Room.


Under no circumstances are volunteers permitted to take photographs or videos of the children and young people for personal use. 

 The Snappy Trust has camera phones which are used to record events and activities and will be issued to staff and volunteers throughout the schemes, all camera phones must be placed back in their secure designated place daily. 


Some pictures will be used for publicity purposes, staff and volunteers should be aware of which children/young people that are not permitted to be photographed. 


No photographs should be published by staff and volunteers, administrative          assistants are designated this role.


All information regarding a child, young person, staff or volunteer will remain stored in a lockable cabinet. No information will be given out unless necessary.

All staff should read each child and young person’s profile and relay the information back to volunteers. Volunteers can access children's /young people’s profiles provided they are with a staff member as there are limitations on what a volunteer may view.


If you have a medical condition that may affect your performance you must inform your manager, it will then be your choice if you wish to disclose this information to staff and volunteers. 

Whistle Blowing Policy


Statement of intent


It is our intention that staff working at The Snappy Trust feel confident about coming forward and reporting any issues/concerns that they may have regarding the areas below, whilst remaining protected from any subsequent discrimination. This Policy is to be used in conjunction with our Safeguarding Children, Safeguarding Young People and Vulnerable Adults, and Child Protection Policies and our Staff and Volunteer Code of Conduct.




  • Ensure staff understand their responsibilities and feel confident in raising and reporting a serious concern at the earliest opportunity.

  • Provide avenues for staff to raise concerns and receive feedback on any action taken.

  • Ensure that staff receive a response to their concerns and that they are aware of how to pursue them if they are not satisfied.

  • Reassure staff that they will be protected from possible reprisals or victimisation if they have made any disclosures in good faith.


Any concerns can be reported without this leading to any harassment or victimisation, and every effort will be made to keep both the concern and the member of staff’s identity confidential.


What should be reported?


  • The inappropriate treatment or care of a child.

  • Any breach of the Staff and Volunteer Code of Conduct by manager, staff, student, or volunteer.

  • Discrimination of any kind.

  • Concerns that could impact on the health and safety of the children or adults.

  • Inappropriate use of settings assets.

  • Decision making for personal gain.

  • Abuse of position.

  • Inappropriate use of budget.

  • Deceit.

  • Tampering with documents.


Methods of reporting


  • A concern can be initially raised by any staff member to the service manager. In the event the concern is about the service manager contact the relevant trustee or Ofsted.

  • Discuss the nature of the concern together with the background, history of the concerns and provide relevant dates of incidents.

  • There is no expectation that staff prove beyond a doubt the truth of their suspicion, however they will need to demonstrate that they are acting in good faith and there are reasonable grounds for their concern.

  • All employees will be treated fairly.


    Concerns will be dealt with in the following way:


  • Initial enquiries will be made to decide whether an investigation is appropriate and if so what form it should take. 

  • The incident will be investigated by the service manager /relevant trustee/ LADO or Ofsted.

  • If it is a Safeguarding concern, safeguarding procedures will be followed including those already mentioned that relate to allegations against staff and may form the subject of an independent inquiry.

  • Within ten working days of the concern being raised, the member of staff will receive in writing:

  • Acknowledgement that the concern has been received an indication as to how the setting will proceed to deal with the matter.

  • Supply the member of staff with information on staff support mechanisms.

  • Inform the member of staff concerned as to whether any further investigation will take place and if not, why not.


It may be necessary for the setting to interview staff to ensure that their disclosure is fully understood. Any meeting can be arranged away from the workplace, if so wished, and a representative or a friend may accompany the involved member of staff for support.


If there are any difficulties experienced as a result of raising a concern, support will be offered.


Staff will be kept informed of the progress and outcome of any investigation to assure that any disclosure has been properly addressed unless legal reasons determine otherwise.


Confidentiality- will be maintained and every effort will be made not to reveal a member of staff’s identity if they so wish. If however a member of staff makes an allegation frivolously, maliciously or for personal gain, appropriate action that could include disciplinary action may be taken.


The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 seeks to protect employees from discrimination as a result of “blowing the whistle” on their organisation, or individuals within it, through amendments to employment law.


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation, you may elevate your concerns directly to the Ofsted Whistleblowing Hotline Tel: 0300 123 3155 or Email:

Work Issues - Infection Control

Work issues– Infection Control

 Taken from Better Health Channel



Infection is caused by pathogens ('bugs') such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa or fungi getting into or onto the body. It can take some time before the microbes multiply enough to trigger symptoms of illness, which means an infected person may unwittingly be spreading the disease during this incubation period. Infection control in the workplace aims to prevent pathogens from coming into contact with a person in the first place. Employers are obliged under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004) to provide a safe workplace for their employees, including the provision of adequate infection control procedures and the right equipment and training.

Transmission of infection

Infectious agents can be spread in a variety of ways, including: 

· Airborne - coughs or sneezes release airborne pathogens, which are then inhaled by others.

· Contaminated objects or food - the pathogens in a person's faeces may be spread to food or other objects, if their hands are dirty.

· Skin-to-skin contact - the transfer of some pathogens can occur through touch, or by sharing personal items, clothing or objects.


Contact with body fluids - pathogens in saliva, urine, faeces or blood can be passed to another person's body via cuts or abrasions, or through the mucus membranes of the mouth and eyes.

Assumption of risk

The basis of good infection control in the workplace is to assume that everyone is potentially infectious. Proper procedures have to be followed at all times. Every workplace should have an appropriate first aid kit, with at least one staff member trained in first aid. Equipment such as gloves, gowns, eye goggles and face shields should be provided if necessary.


 Personal hygiene practices

Infection control procedures relating to good personal hygiene include: 

· Hand washing - the spread of many pathogens can be prevented with regular hand washing. You should thoroughly wash your hands with water and soap for at least 15 seconds after visiting the toilet, before preparing food, and after touching clients or equipment. Dry your hands with disposable paper towels.

· Unbroken skin - intact and healthy skin is a major barrier to pathogens. Any cuts or abrasions should be covered with a waterproof dressing.

· Gloves - wear gloves if you are handling body fluids or equipment containing body fluids, if you are touching someone else's broken skin or mucus membrane, or performing any other invasive procedure. Wash your hands between each client and use fresh gloves for each client where necessary.

Personal items - don't share towels, clothing, razors, toothbrushes, shavers or other personal items.

Food preparation

When preparing food, you should: 

· Wash your hands before and after handling food.

· Avoid touching your hair, nose or mouth.

· Keep hot food hot and cold food cold.

· Use separate storage, utensils and preparation surfaces for cooked and uncooked foods.

Wash all utensils and preparation surfaces thoroughly with hot water and detergent after use.

Cleanliness in the workplace

Infection control procedures relating to cleanliness in the workplace include: 

· Regularly wash the floors, bathrooms and surfaces - such as tables and bench tops - with hot water and detergent.

· Wash - walls and ceilings periodically.

· Mops, brushes and cloths should be thoroughly washed and dried after every use. Drying mops and cloths is particularly important, since many pathogens rely on moisture to thrive.

· Use disinfectants to clean up blood and other spills of bodily fluids.

· When using disinfectants - always wear gloves, clean the surfaces before using the disinfectant, and always follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly.

Spot clean when necessary.


Dealing with spills of body fluids

Examples of body fluids include blood, saliva, urine and faeces. When dealing with spills of body fluids, infection control procedures should be followed carefully. You should always: 

· Isolate the area.

· Wear gloves, a plastic apron and eye protection, such as goggles.

· Soak up the fluid with disposable paper towels, or cover the spill with a granular chlorine releasing agent for a minimum of 10 minutes. Scoop up granules and waste using a piece of cardboard (or similar), place in a plastic bag and dispose of appropriately.

· Mix one part bleach to10 parts water and apply to the area for 10 minutes.

· Wash with hot water and detergent.

· Dry the area.

· Dispose of paper towelling and gloves appropriately.

· Wash your hands.


Rinse any contaminated clothing in cold running water, soak in bleach solution for half an hour, then wash separately from other clothing or linen with hot water and detergent.

Infectious waste

To dispose of infectious waste that has been contaminated with blood or other body fluids, you should: 

· Wear heavy duty gloves

· Place waste in plastic bags marked 'infectious waste'

Dispose of waste in accordance with EPA regulations.

Handling needles and other sharp contaminated objects

Infection control procedures when handling needles and other sharp contaminated objects include: 

· Never attempt to re-cap or bend used needles.

· Handle by the barrel.

Place in an appropriate puncture-proof container, which is yellow and labelled 'Danger contaminated sharps' and marked with a black biohazard symbol.

Occupational exposure

If you come in contact with blood or body fluids, you should: 

· Flush the area with running water.

· Wash the area with plenty of warm water and soap.

· Report the incident to the appropriate staff member.

· Record the incident via the Disease/injury/near miss/accident (DINMA) reporting procedure.

· Seek medical advice.

Employers and occupational health and safety representatives should investigate all incidents involving contact with blood or body fluids, and take action to prevent a similar incident from happening again.

Where to get help

· Your doctor

· Your local council's health department

· Occupational health and safety officer at your workplace

· Yorkshire and the Humber Health Protection Team (Y&H HPT): For urgent notifications please ring 0113 386 0300 in or out of hours.


Things to remember

· Infection control in the workplace aims to prevent pathogens being passed from one person to another.

· The foundation of good infection control is to assume that everyone is potentially infectious.

Basic infection control procedures include hand washing and keeping the workplace clean.

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© The Snappy Trust 2024.

All rights reserved. 


Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited. You may not distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.


The Snappy Trust is registered in England and Wales, Registered Charity Number 702190.

The Snappy Trust

07710 282 269

Hob Moor Children's Centre

Green Lane, Acomb, York, YO24 4PS

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