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Business SUPPORT THROUGH Club 100

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What is it?

A fundraising initiative, designed to support annual funding for The Snappy Trust, through York’s business community.

Why is it needed?

We are a small, local charity, and don’t have the fundraising capacities of large, national charities, however, this doesn’t stop us from having big ambitions!

What’s involved?

Simply pledge £100 or more annually, that’s all!

· Commit to an Ongoing Pledge by standing order or choose to donate to Snappy on an Annual basis, with yearly reminders.

· We’ll acknowledge your contribution by sending you a Snappy Club 100 Membership Certificate and adding your business details to the Club 100 list on this website:

· As we develop further initiatives within Club 100 we’ll keep you updated, if you’ve opted to receive this information.

Our aim

To have 100 businesses pledging £100 or more annually.

Pledge your support to help us make a difference

To join Club 100, simply complete our Pledge Form by clicking the box below. The form is 'fillable' so can be completed digitally, or printed and filled in manually. Simply return the form to us by email, or by post to Snappy Club 100, Hob Moor Children's Centre, Green Lane, Acomb, York YO24 4PS

If you have decided to join - then thank you! We will be in touch with you shortly.

If you would like any further information about Club 100, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Club 100 MEMBERS

Snappy Club 100 Members
Snappy Club 100 Pledge

Thank you for your continued support! 

To view the current members of Snappy Club 100, please click the button below

This website and its content is copyright of The Snappy Trust

© The Snappy Trust 2024.

All rights reserved. 

Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited. You may not distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.

The Snappy Trust is registered in England and Wales, Registered Charity Number 702190.

The Snappy Trust

07710 282 269

Hob Moor Children's Centre

Green Lane, Acomb, York, YO24 4PS

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